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The incomparably dynamic theoretical physicist and futurist Michio Kaku is a correspondent for CBS: This Morning, host of two weekly science radio programs, and the author of many books including The Future of the Mind, Physics of the Impossible, and The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything. With his signature clarity and enthusiasm, his newest book, Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything, suggests how quantum computing might eventually solve some of humanity’s biggest problems like global warming, world hunger, and incurable disease.
Caterina Fake is an entrepreneur and host of the podcast “Should This Exist?” which looks at the impact of technology on humanity. Fake co-founded the photo sharing company Flickr and served as Chairman of Etsy. She serves on the board of The Sundance Institute, Public Goods, and McSweeneys.
Photo courtesy of AsianBoston/ Rob Klein
City Arts & Lectures’ Covid protocol follows San Francisco Department of Public Health guidelines and/or requirements of the featured guests. At this time, masks are encouraged but not required. Policy subject to change.