Join us for an outdoor, onstage conversation with Michael Lewis (Liar’s Poker, Moneyball, The Blind Side, and many more). He’ll discuss his newest book, Premonition: A Pandemic Story. The nonfiction thriller pits a rogue band of visionaries, working under the radar, against the weight and disinterest of officialdom. The news out of China was not good: there were signs that a new disease might be big—scary big, like a brushfire coming at you uphill. Authorities, medical and political, saw no reason to worry and little need for tests. It was (and still is) a race against time.
Capacity is limited. Attendance will require proof of vaccination.
ATTENTION MAY 20 TICKET HOLDERS: This is a separate live event and requires its own ticket.
Rancho Nicasio
1 Old Rancheria Road
Nicasio, CA 94946
Time / Details:
Onstage conversation begins promptly at 4pm. Doors open at 2pm.
Food and drink available.
Copies of The Premonition will be available for purchase at Rancho Nicasio.