We've made a recording of this event free to all. Please support our institution and these productions by making a tax-deductible contribution.
Join us for a very personal conversation with journalist and bestselling author Michael Lewis (Moneyball, The Blind Side, The Big Short). Lewis will talk to friend and fellow writer Dave Eggers (The Every, The Monk of Mokha, What Is The What) about his recent book about the pandemic, The Premonition; the newest season of his podcast, Against The Rules; and more.
This past May 2021, City Arts & Lectures celebrated a return to live events with a conversation between Lewis and Eggers, held outdoors at Rancho Nicasio. We could not be more pleased to welcome them back to the theater.
Proof of vaccination with a complete initial series is required for entry. This means completion of the two-dose regimen of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or one dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine must be administered two weeks or more in advance of the event. While not a requirement, a vaccine booster is strongly recommended to be administered at least one week prior to the event. Masks are also required. Policy subject to change.
Photo Credit: Tabitha Soren