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Michael Lewis

Thursday, May 20, 2021
6:00pm Pacific Time
KQED Broadcast: 06/27/2021, 06/29/2021, 06/30/2021

The news out of China was not good: there were signs that a new disease might be big—scary big, like a brushfire coming at you uphill. Authorities, medical and political, saw no reason to worry and little need for tests. Michael Lewis’s new riveting nonfiction thriller, The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, pits a rogue band of visionaries, working under the radar, against the weight and disinterest of officialdom. It is a race against time, and the deadline is now…or yesterday. Michael Lewis is the best-selling author of Liar’s PokerMoneyballThe Blind SideThe Big Short, and The Undoing Project.

Photo Credit: Tabitha Soren