Lorrie Moore’s stories have long been favorites among lovers of the form. Collected in Self Help, Like Life, Birds of America and the forthcoming Bark, her stories examine the public and private absurdities of American life and combine irony, wit, and tenderness. Also a novelist, Moore’s books include Anagram, Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? and A Gateway at the Stairs. She is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin where she teaches creative writing.
Mona Simpson studied poetry at University of California, Berkeley and worked as a journalist before moving to New York to attend Columbia University’s MFA program. During graduate school, she published her first short stories in Ploughshares, The Iowa Review and Mademoiselle. She worked as an editor at The Paris Review for five years while finishing her first novel, Anywhere But Here. Her other works include The Lost Father, A Regular Guy, My Hollywood, Off Keck Road, and her new novel Casebook.