Joel Coen is celebrated for his dark and often humorous films, all of which have been written, directed, and produced alongside his brother Ethan Coen. The Coen brothers’ films include cult classics such as The Big Lebowski, Fargo, Raising Arizona, and Blood Simple, among many others. They have been nominated for thirteen Academy Awards and have won four, including Best Picture for Fargo and Best Adapted Screenplay for No Country for Old Men. Their numerous other films include Barton Fink, True Grit, Inside Llewyn Davis, and most recently Hail, Caesar!
Davia Nelson is a radio producer, host, and one half of The Kitchen Sisters. Alongside Nikki Silva, The Kitchen Sisters are the producers of the award-winning NPR series Hidden Kitchens, Lost & Found Sound, The Sonic Memorial Project, and most recently, The Hidden World of Girls, a series exploring the lives of girls and the women they become.