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Dr. Rajiv Shah

Sunday, November 12, 2023
1:00pm Pacific Time
KQED Broadcast: 11/12/2023

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This week, an optimistic look toward an uncertain future. We’ll hear from award winning photographer Jo-Anne MacArthur in the second half of this program. But first, Dr. Rajiv Shah. He’s the author of Big Bets: How Large-Scale Change Really Happens. This week on KQED, he’ll speak to Indre Viskontas about his work. 

Through his work as President of The Rockefeller Foundation, and at the Gates Foundation and USAID before that, Dr. Rajiv Shah has addressed today’s most pressing global health crises and economic challenges, from the Ebola crisis to the aftermath of earthquakes in Haiti to a lack of access to electricity among billions of the world’s populate. He details some of that work in Big Bets: How Large-Scale Change Really Happens, while offering lessons and optimism to other change seekers. 

Indre Viskontas is a cognitive neuroscientist with the University of San Francisco and a faculty member at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. She has published groundbreaking work on the neural basis of memory and creativity, and co-hosts the popular science podcast Inquiring Minds. Her past City Arts & Lectures interviews include Atul Gawande, Richard Powers, and Temple Grandin.