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Drawing on comprehensive interviews with young men, psychologists, academics, and experts in the field, Peggy Orenstein attempts to unravel the hidden truths, hard lessons, and important realities of young male sexuality in today’s world in her forthcoming book Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity. Orenstein is known for her past writing and research on issues affecting girls and young women including in her books Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape; School Girls: Young Women, Self-Esteem and the Confidence Gap; and Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Kids, Love and Life in a Half-Changed World among others.
Daniel Handler is the author of the novels The Basic Eight, Watch Your Mouth, Adverbs, All The Dirty Parts, and, with Maira Kalman, Why We Broke Up. As Lemony Snicket, he has written the best-selling series All The Wrong Questions as well as A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Want to purchase a copy of Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity? Visit Books, Inc. here. They’re offering FREE SHIPPING (and you’ll support be supporting an independent bookstore).