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Behind Their Screens: What Teens are Facing (and Adults are Missing) with Emily Weinstein and Carrie James

Sunday, October 23, 2022
1:00pm Pacific Time
KQED Broadcast: 10/23/2022

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As new information emerges about the impacts of social media and screens on young people, so do new strategies to guide and protect teens. But what do adolescents themselves have to say? Our guests, Harvard University researchers Emily Weinstein and Carrie James, interviewed over 3500 teenagers for their latest book, Behind Their Screens: What Teens are Facing (and Adults are Missing). Much of what they found from the teens’ own fears and concerns, to the unique ways in which they use technology   is surprising. 

Carrie James is a sociologist and Principal Investigator at Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is the author of Disconnected: Youth, New Media, and the Ethics Gap (MIT Press).

Emily Weinstein is a Research Director at Project Zero at Harvard and a Lecturer at the Graduate School of Education.

Lauren Schiller is the co-author of the forthcoming book It’s a Good Day to Change the World, and the creator and host of Inflection Point, an award-winning podcast and public radio show about how women rise up, build power and lead change.