What began as an art project-turned-critically-acclaimed web series is now among television’s most engaging, funny, and culturally en pointe series. High Maintenance, now on HBO, follows a Brooklyn pot dealer as he delivers to clients with neuroses as diverse as the city. The characters are uniquely compelling, and their interactions, at turns hilarious and touching, reveal as much about urban life, its attendant anxieties and pleasures, as they do about pot and today’s delivery culture. Katja Blichfeld (Executive Producer, Writer, Director), has won an Emmy Award for her work on 30 Rock. In addition, she has worked on major motion pictures, as well as numerous network television series, and spent several years in NBC’s East Coast casting office. Ben Sinclair (Executive Producer, Writer, Director) is an actor and editor, both of which he does for High Maintenance. Originally trained in theater, Sinclair’s acting credits include Sisters, Mercy, Safe, Law & Order: SVU, The Big C, and 30 Rock.